APDU | Application protocol data unit |
ASDU | Application-layer service data unit |
CA | Certification authority |
COT | Cause of transmission |
Data object | Also known as DO. Part of a logical node object representing specific information, for example status or measurement. From an object-oriented point of view, a data object is an instance of a class data object. DOs are normally used as transaction objects; that is, they are data structures. |
Data set | The content basis for reporting and logging containing references to the data and data attribute values |
DPC | Double-point control |
EMC | Electromagnetic compatibility |
Ethernet | A standard for connecting a family of frame-based computer networking technologies into a LAN |
GI | General interrogation |
HMI | Human-machine interface |
IEC | International electrotechnical commission |
IEC 60870-5 | IEC standard for telecontrol equipment and systems. Part 5 defines transmission protocols. |
IEC 60870-5-101 | Companion standard for basic telecontrol tasks |
IEC 60870-5-104 | Network access for IEC 60870-5-101 |
IEC 60870-5-4 |
IEC 61850 | International standard for substation communication and modeling |
MAC | Media access control |
PCM600 | Protection and control IED manager |
SBO | Select-before-operate |
SI | Sensor input |
SPC | Single-point status of a controllable object |
TCP | Transmission control protocol |
TCP/IP | Transmission control protocol/Internet protocol |
TLS | Transport layer security |
UTC | Coordinated universal time |