Quotation and ordering - Arc protection - Auto synchronization - Bay control and measurement - Merging unit - Transformer protection - 2 winding - Feeder protection - Voltage regulation - Capacitor bank protection - Petersen Coil control - Grid automation - Busbar differential protection (high impedance) - Back-up protection - Motor protection - Busbar protection (voltage and frequency) - Transformer protection - 3 winding - Interconnection protection - Generator protection - Power management/Load shedding - Modification Sales Guideline - REX640 Protection and control - PCL4 - IEC - ANSI - 16.02.2023

REX640 Modification Sales Guideline

Quotation for the planned modification must be requested via the local ABB channel or directly from the factory sales representative. The following technical information must be included in the request:
  • Relay serial numbers
  • Detailed description of the planned modification for each serial number separately

Based on the received information, ABB verifies the feasibility of the requested modification and prepares a quotation.

Note: If installation and verification of the modification is also needed, contact the nearest ABB Service representative for a turnkey delivery of modification.