Signals - Arc protection - Motor protection - Feeder protection - Back-up protection - Technical Manual - REX610 Protection and control - Relion Protection and Control - 1.2 - IEC - ANSI - 04.04.2023

REX610 Technical Manual

Table 1. DARREC Input signals
Name Type Default Description
INIT_1 BOOLEAN 0=False AR initialization / blocking signal 1
INIT_2 BOOLEAN 0=False AR initialization / blocking signal 2
INIT_3 BOOLEAN 0=False AR initialization / blocking signal 3
INIT_4 BOOLEAN 0=False AR initialization / blocking signal 4
INIT_5 BOOLEAN 0=False AR initialization / blocking signal 5
INIT_6 BOOLEAN 0=False AR initialization / blocking signal 6
DEL_INIT_2 BOOLEAN 0=False Delayed AR initialization / blocking signal 2
DEL_INIT_3 BOOLEAN 0=False Delayed AR initialization / blocking signal 3
DEL_INIT_4 BOOLEAN 0=False Delayed AR initialization / blocking signal 4
BLK_RECL_T BOOLEAN 0=False Blocks and resets reclose time
BLK_RCLM_T BOOLEAN 0=False Blocks and resets reclaim time
BLK_THERM BOOLEAN 0=False Blocks and holds the reclose shot from the thermal overload
CB_POS BOOLEAN 0=False Circuit breaker position input
CB_READY BOOLEAN 1=True Circuit breaker status signal
INC_SHOTP BOOLEAN 0=False A zone sequence coordination signal
INHIBIT_RECL BOOLEAN 0=False Interrupts and inhibits reclosing sequence
RECL_ON BOOLEAN 0=False Level sensitive signal for allowing (high) / not allowing (low) reclosing
SYNC BOOLEAN 0=False Synchronizing check fulfilled

Table 2. DARREC Output signals
Name Type Description
OPEN_CB BOOLEAN Open command for circuit breaker
CLOSE_CB BOOLEAN Close (reclose) command for circuit breaker
CMD_WAIT BOOLEAN Wait for master command
INPRO BOOLEAN Reclosing shot in progress, activated during dead time
LOCKED BOOLEAN Signal indicating that AR is locked out
PROT_CRD BOOLEAN A signal for coordination between the AR and the protection
UNSUC_RECL BOOLEAN Indicates an unsuccessful reclosing sequence
AR_ON BOOLEAN Autoreclosing allowed
READY BOOLEAN Indicates that the AR is ready for a new sequence, i.e. the CB_READY input equals TRUE
ACTIVE BOOLEAN Reclosing sequence is in progress