SECRSYN Settings - Arc protection - Motor protection - Feeder protection - Back-up protection - Technical Manual - REX610 Protection and control - Relion Protection and Control - 1.2 - IEC - ANSI - 12.12.2023

REX610 Technical Manual

Table 1. SECRSYN Group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Live dead mode


1=Both Dead

2=Live L, Dead B

3=Dead L, Live B

4=Dead Bus, L Any

5=Dead L, Bus Any

6=One Live, Dead

7=Not Both Live

1=Both Dead Energizing check mode
Difference voltage 0.01...0.50 xUn 0.01 0.05 Maximum voltage difference limit
Difference frequency 0.0002...0.1000 0.0001 0.0010 Maximum frequency difference limit
Difference angle 5...90 deg 1 5 Maximum angle difference limit
Table 2. SECRSYN Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description



1=on Operation Off / On
Synchro check mode




3=Asynchronous Synchro check operation mode
Dead line value 0.1...0.8 xUn 0.1 0.2 Voltage low limit line for energizing check
Live line value 0.2...1.0 xUn 0.1 0.8 Voltage high limit line for energizing check
Dead bus value 0.1...0.8 xUn 0.1 0.2 Voltage low limit bus for energizing check
Live bus value 0.2...1.0 xUn 0.1 0.5 Voltage high limit bus for energizing check
Max energizing V 0.50...1.15 xUn 0.01 1.05 Maximum voltage for energizing
Table 3. SECRSYN Non group settings (Advanced)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Control mode



1=Continuous Selection of synchro check command or Continuous control mode
Close pulse 200...60000 ms 10 200 Breaker closing pulse duration
Phase shift -180...180 deg 1 0 Correction of phase difference between measured U_BUS and U_LINE
Minimum Syn time 0...60000 ms 10 0 Minimum time to accept synchronizing
Maximum Syn time 100...6000000 ms 10 2000 Maximum time to accept synchronizing
Energizing time 100...60000 ms 10 100 Time delay for energizing check
Closing time of CB 40...250 ms 10 60 Closing time of the breaker
Voltage source switch



0=False Voltage source switch