RDRE Application - Arc protection - Back-up protection - Feeder protection - Motor protection - Technical Manual - REX610 Protection and control - Relion Protection and Control - 1.2 - ANSI - IEC - 01.07.2024

REX610 Technical Manual

The disturbance recorder is used for post-fault analysis and for verifying the correct operation of protection relays and circuit breakers. It can record both analog and binary signal information. The analog inputs are recorded as instantaneous values and converted to primary peak value units when the protection relay converts the recordings to the COMTRADE format.

Note: COMTRADE is the general standard format used for storing disturbance recordings.

The binary channels are sampled once per task execution of the disturbance recorder. The task execution interval for the disturbance recorder is the same as for the protection functions. During the COMTRADE conversion, the digital status values are repeated so that the sampling frequencies of the analog and binary channels correspond to each other. This is required by the COMTRADE standard.

Note: The disturbance recorder follows the 1999 version of the COMTRADE standard and uses the binary data file format.