PEMMXU Analog channel configuration - Arc protection - Motor protection - Feeder protection - Back-up protection - Technical Manual - REX610 Protection and control - Relion Protection and Control - 1.2 - IEC - ANSI - 01.07.2024

REX610 Technical Manual

PEMMXU has two analog group inputs which all must be properly configured.

Table 1. Analog inputs
Input Description
I3P Three-phase currents
U3P Three-phase voltages
Note: See the preprocessing function blocks in this document for the possible signal sources.

There are a few special conditions which must be noted with the configuration.

Table 2. Special conditions
Condition Description
U3P connected to real measurements The function can work with the corresponding one voltage channel connected if Measurement mode is set to "PhsAB", "PhsBC" or "PhsCA".
The function can work with the corresponding two voltage channels connected if Measurement mode is set to "PhsA", "PhsB" or "PhsC".
The function requires that all three voltage channels are connected for the other measurement modes.

Improper analog channel configuration causes a validation error if the analog channels are not completely configured or they do not match with certain settings. For troubleshooting, check the contents of this chapter and also the preprocessing blocks in this document. The configuration can be written to the protection relay once the mismatch is corrected.