DARREC Sequence - Arc protection - Motor protection - Feeder protection - Back-up protection - Technical Manual - REX610 Protection and control - Relion Protection and Control - 1.2 - IEC - ANSI - 19.04.2024

REX610 Technical Manual

The auto reclose sequence is implemented by using CBBs. The highest possible amount of CBBs is seven. If the user wants to have, for example, a sequence of three shots, only the first three CBBs are needed. Using building blocks instead of fixed shots gives enhanced flexibility, allowing multiple and adaptive sequences.

Each CBB is identical. The Shot number CBB_ setting defines at which point in the auto-reclose sequence the CBB should be performed, that is, whether the particular CBB is going to be the first, second, third, fourth or fifth shot.

During the initiation of a CBB, the conditions of initiation and blocking are checked. This is done for all CBBs simultaneously. Each CBB that fulfils the initiation conditions requests an execution.

The function also keeps track of shots already performed, that is, at which point the auto-reclose sequence is from shot 1 to lockout. For example, if shots 1 and 2 have already been performed, only shots 3 to 5 are allowed.

Additionally, the Enable shot jump setting gives two possibilities:
  • Only such CBBs that are set for the next shot in the sequence can be accepted for execution. For example, if the next shot in the sequence should be shot 2, a request from CBB set for shot 3 is rejected.
  • Any CBB that is set for the next shot or any of the following shots can be accepted for execution. For example, if the next shot in the sequence should be shot 2, also CBBs that are set for shots 3, 4 and 5 are accepted. In other words, shot 2 can be ignored.

In case there are multiple CBBs allowed for execution, the CBB with the smallest number is chosen. For example, if CBB2 and CBB4 request an execution, CBB2 is allowed to execute the shot.

The auto-reclose function can perform up to five auto-reclose shots or cycles.