Configuration examples - Arc protection - Motor protection - Feeder protection - Back-up protection - Technical Manual - REX610 Protection and control - Relion Protection and Control - 1.2 - IEC - ANSI - 03.05.2023

REX610 Technical Manual

Figure 1. Example connection between protection and autoreclosing functions in protection relay configuration

It is possible to create several sequences for a configuration.

Autoreclose sequences for overcurrent and non-directional earth-fault protection applications where high speed and delayed autoreclosings are needed can be as follows:

Example 1

The sequence is implemented by two shots which have the same reclosing time for all protection functions, namely I>>, I> and Io>. The initiation of the shots is done by activating the operating signals of the protection functions.

Figure 2. Autoreclosing sequence with two shots
t HSAR Time delay of high-speed autoreclosing, here: First reclose time
t DAR Time delay of delayed autoreclosing, here: Second reclose time
t Protection Operating time for the protection stage to clear the fault
t CB_O Operating time for opening the circuit breaker
t CB_C Operating time for closing the circuit breaker

In this case, the sequence needs two CBBs. The reclosing times for shot 1 and shot 2 are different, but each protection function initiates the same sequence. The CBB sequence is described in Table 1 as follows:

Figure 3. Two shots with three initiation lines
image/svg+xmlShot 1(CBB1)0.3sShot 2(CBB2)15.0sINIT_1 (I>>)INIT_2 (I>)INIT_3 (Io>)LockoutLockoutLockout
Table 1. Settings for configuration example 1
Setting name Setting value
Shot number CBB1 1
Init signals CBB1 7 (lines 1, 2 and 3 = 1+2+4 = 7)
First reclose time 0.3 s (an example)
Shot number CBB2 2
Init signals CBB2 7 (lines 1, 2 and 3 = 1+2+4 = 7)
Second reclose time 15.0 s (an example)

Example 2

There are two separate sequences implemented with three shots. Shot 1 is implemented by CBB1 and it is initiated with the high stage of the overcurrent protection (I>>). Shot 1 is set as a high-speed autoreclosing with a short time delay. Shot 2 is implemented with CBB2 and meant to be the first shot of the autoreclose sequence initiated by the low stage of the overcurrent protection (I>) and the low stage of the non-directional earth-fault protection (Io>). It has the same reclosing time in both situations. It is set as a high-speed autoreclosing for corresponding faults. The third shot, which is the second shot in the autoreclose sequence initiated by I> or Io>, is set as a delayed autoreclosing and executed after an unsuccessful high-speed autoreclosing of a corresponding sequence.

Figure 4. Autoreclosing sequence with two shots with different shot settings according to initiation signal
t HSAR Time delay of high-speed autoreclosing, here: First reclose time
t DAR Time delay of delayed autoreclosing, here: Second reclose time
t l>> Operating time for the I>> protection stage to clear the fault
t l> or lo> Operating time for the I> or Io> protection stage to clear the fault
t CB_O Operating time for opening the circuit breaker
t CB_C Operating time for closing the circuit breaker

In this case, the number of needed CBBs is three, that is, the first shot's reclosing time depends on the initiation signal.

Figure 5. Three shots with three initiation lines
image/svg+xmlINIT_1 (I>>)INIT_2 (I>)INIT_3 (Io>)Shot 1(CBB1)1.0sShot 1(CBB2)0.2sShot 2(CBB3)10.0sLockoutLockoutLockout

If the sequence is initiated from the INIT_1 line, that is, the overcurrent protection high stage, the sequence is one shot long. If the sequence is initiated from the INIT_2 or INIT_3 lines, the sequence is two shots long.

Table 2. Settings for configuration example 2
Setting name Setting value
Shot number CBB1 1
Init signals CBB1 1 (line 1)
First reclose time 0.0 s (an example)
Shot number CBB2 1
Init signals CBB2 6 (lines 2 and 3 = 2+4 = 6)
Second reclose time 0.2 s (an example)
Shot number CBB3 2
Init signals CBB3 6 (lines 2 and 3 = 2+4 = 6)
Third reclose time 10.0 s